quksdns5.net DNS How to use Dynamic DNS?

How to use Dynamic DNS?

We will explain to you how to start using Dynamic DNS, no matter which router you have at your disposal. Of course, the steps might be a bit different, but still, this guide will be helpful, and you will be able to follow it.

​What is Dynamic DNS?

To begin with, Dynamic DNS, or DDNS for short, is a service that will automatically update your IP address (the A or AAAA record) when the host (device) has changed it.

The change might happen when the ISP (Internet service provider) automatically changes your IP address when its lease expires.

If you use the device as a server, you can use the DDNS and secure that it will still be available. Otherwise, you won’t be able to know the new IP address from a distance, and you won’t be able to access it.

Without Dynamic DNS, if you are running a monitoring server at your home with a camera, and you have seen the stream from far, the moment the ISP changes the IP address, the connection will fail, and you won’t be able to see anything.


Before you start, you will need to do a few preparations.

  • Find a Dynamic DNS service provider that has a plan, good enough for your needs. Additionally, there are also many free Dynamic Domain Name System services. If you are unsure about your requirements, we recommend you start with a free plan.
  • Make an account. 
  • Inside it, you will need to create a Forward DNS zone and a host that will later be dynamically updated. For example, dynamic.ddns.com. After each update from the ISP, the router will send the new IP address to the name server, where the name record will be updated.

​How to use Dynamic DNS, Step-by-step guide

  1. Open the control panel of your router. You can access it if you are connected to the router and you put its IP address or hostname in a browser. The IP address or the hostname are listed in the router’s manual, or they can be written on the router itself.
  2. Log in to the control panel. The original username and password are written on the device or in the manual. If you have changed them, use the new one you have or reset the router using the instructions in the manual.
  3. Now, locate the Advances settings. The menu might also be called More settings.
  4. Locate the Dynamic DNS menu. Furthermore, it could also be named as DDNS, which is the same.
  5. Enter all the information about your Dynamic DNS service provider. The account that we asked you to open in the beginning.

Dynamic DNS Provider – It’s name. Depending on the router, it could be a dropdown menu. 

Username: The username you registered.

Password: Your password with the DNS provider. 

Hostname/Domain: The hostname that you created. In our case, it was dynamic.ddns.com. 

*Server or Server Address: the name server or the IP address of it, that the provider offers you.

*Some routers don’t ask it. 

  1. Finally, the last step is to save everything. There is an Update button in some routers that will show you the current IP address. In others, there is a Status button where you can see the result.


Conclusivley, now you know how to use Dynamic DNS. It is very easy to set up, and it only takes a couple of minutes. In most cases, you can go with a free Dynamic DNS provider, and it will satisfy all your needs, but if you want guaranteed quality and better uptime, go for a paid one. 

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